Friday, November 12, 2010

Dwight, Nicholas

Private Tutor
Former MoM Division Head
Past SS Character

Full name: Nicholas Rufus Dwight
Nicknames/Aliases: Nic, kid
Age: 35 going on 36
DOB: October 11th, 2037
POB: Leeds, England
Heritage: Muggleborn
Education/House: Hogwarts - Hufflepuff (2049 - 2055)

Height: 5'9
Hair: Curly brown hair
Eyes: Dark brown

Personality - Background: Never met any of his parents, Nicholas Rufus Dwight was raised by his uncle Ben, a muggle accountant. From very age started to show signs of magic by making things hover when upset/or extremely happy; his uncle, scared that the government would find a way to blame him for this, took young Nicholas to the doctor. Thankfully for him, it so happened that the doctor's daughter was a witch attending to Hogwarts so as carefully as he could, he explained Uncle Ben everything. And uncle Ben ran out of the office with Nicholas shouting about people making him waste his time and trying to make him feel like an idiot. However, the 'strange' happenings around Nicholas kept happening until he turned eleven and ... well, long story short, after a lot of yelling, cussing, tears and moments of denial, Uncle Ben allowed him to attend to the 'Madhouse of Wizkids" so he could be around people of his 'kind.'

Sorted into Hufflepuff, Dwight was not the brightest one of the bunch but certainly stood out when the time came to make people laugh. He's a clown by nature, really, and was often in detention for wasting his time reading comic books during class, doodling on the corner of a parchment, falling asleep while the professor spoke or just plain talking the ear off of the person sitting next to him.

Once he finished his studies, Nicholas went traveling for a while before settling for working at the French Minister of Magic. Five years later, he resigned and took a brief-lasting job as Divison head of the British Ministry of Magic. Nicholas currently works as a tutor for Pureblood upper class children, more specifically, for the Hopton family.

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