It's a Cataclysm Character
Full name: Birghton Howard Brown III
Nicknames/Aliases: Bright
Age: 18
Date of Birth: September 18, 1992
Gender: Male
Education: Bay Grove High School
Eyes: Brown, but with a few specks of emerald green here and there, so it could be refer to as hazel.
Hair: A sometimes untamed, thick, and curly mop of brown hair, that may or may not have a few golden highlights scattered all over it.
Height: Five feet, eleven inches tall
Build: Broad shoulders, and muscular arms are the result of lifting weights, which as a football player, her pretty much has to.
General appearance: Brighton Howard Brown III is known for his little sideways smirk that makes the general public either want to punch him in the face, or worship him. His facial expression is usually smug and knowing one, though it could appear as stoic around strangers. Brighton does not appreciate talking feelings, or explaining how he truly feels like to most people, and as such, his words and expression very rarely betray him by showing how he really feels. His emotions and thoughts are his, after all, and not yours, so he kindly thanks you to mind your own business and get the fuck out of his eyesight.
Due to his round and somewhat boyish, handsome face, when distracted, Brighton appears innocent, easy-going and naive, though he is anything but. The very faint but definitely there freckles that can only be seen when up close only intensify this look. Brighton hates them, but there's nothing he can do about it, especially during the summer when they tend to pop out more for whatever reason. His face is fair for the most part, but always holds certain traces of a seemingly everlasting summer tan. On his chin there is small, and almost faint scar that he acquired during kindergarten, after falling down of the monkey bars.
His clothing is, for quarterback and male teenager, rarely inmaculate, and you will never find a speck of dust, dirt or stain of sort on them. His shoes are always clean, and has a very casual, but as pointed out above, a not at all messy style. Though he does not mind to dress up (actually, he enjoys it) with the suit, tie, and all that jazz, Bright tends to favourize jeans, plaid t-shirts, and the occasional hoodie. In short, he has somewhat urban-chic style going on to him, and a passionate hate for crocs. Erase them, burn them, throw them away, burry them - just take them off his sight.
Personality: Showered with attention from very young age to the point that it was (not literally, though some people might wish now that it had) drowning him, Brighton, or Bright as his friends refer to him, was quick to develop a rather vast superiority complex, balanced with the occasional dry and witty remarks, as well as a trademark arrogant sneer especially reserved for those he considers inferior.
Manners are something Brighton does not lack, but tact, at times, tends to avoid him on epically and drastic proportions, which is exactly the source of his perpetual riffs with strangers, acquaintances and even, on an occasion, his own friends. A self-centered jerk he might be, but by no means is Bright the stereotypical jock with no brains; on the contrary, it is his wit and quick-thinking that allows him to own a silver tongue that can literally pull him out of any sticky situations, and that also allows him to be the manipulative being that he can sometimes be.
Though he’s been dating Maize for three years, Bright is an expert on not getting emotionally attached. Needless to say, the only feeling he might have for his current girlfriend might be the one has for a friend (albeit a very good looking one), and nothing else. He sees being on a relationship with Maize not only a duty, but a necessity, too, in order to … ah, cover all his bases, and whatnot. Is he faithful? No, definitely not. More than once has Bright found himself entangled with someone that isn’t his girlfriend, and thankfully, sweet Felicity is too naive to see what’s right in front of her.
What? You thought that because he’s secretly bisexual, he won’t have a girlfriend or stop himself from sleeping around with other girls? We laugh at your ingenuity. He might have a an inclination for the ones of his own sex, but in Bright’s opinion, this is not a permanent thing. He will be completely straight even if it kills him.
Never mind that he’s been lusting after Daniels for the last two months, or that he had a run in with said theater boy that might or might have not involved a bit of tongue action from both sides. That is irrelevant, and it must never be mentioned.
History: Brighton Howard Brown III is the son of Brighton Howard Brown II, county judge, and of Christine Fairchild-Brown, a stay-at-home mother. The youngest of three, it is safe to assume that Bright was spoiled and showered with more attention than he, or anyone in this world deserves. There lies, of course the reason of the existence of his self-entitled and occasionally rude self.
Brighton has never known as of yet the meaning of the word 'No.' As far as Brighton knows, the only person in his life that only says No to him is himself, and no one else. From young age, he's gotten what he wanted, exactly when he wanted it, and never had to wait on anyone because everyone else just marched to Brighton's own beat. His dad, after all, always told him (and still does) that as a member of one of the oldest families in Bay Grove he, as the only male he fathered, has a reputation and a family name to keep.
Unfortunately for Mr. Brown and Brighton himself he is always fucking up by either partying too much, growing too drunk or getting high once in a while. That is not a problem, however and never has been because he is Brighton Brown and somehow always manages to walk away free without looking like the villain. It's just the way it's always been, and while Brighton often complains about a lot of things, he is secretly thankful for his social status. Social status is earned, though, and just like it is earned, it can also be lost-- which is why that after what happened with Daniels, Brighton made sure to keep away from the thespian boy and work on getting everything back to normal--- or rather, to get himself back to normal.
Thankfully, he has taken care of it (or so he likes to believe) and he’s been a pretty happy kid, with life working out fantastically alright for him. For the most part. Quarterback, inmensely popular and, on top of that, with a knock-you-off-your-feet-drop-dead-gorgeous-girlfriend? He has everything and more, and does not wish for anything else. Supposedly.
Likes: Boys Girls, sleeping in, football, his nintendo DS, 50's Themed Dances, Costume parties, parties in general, long legs, movies, drinking, and getting high in an occasion or two.
Dislikes: School plays, the color pink, anniversary dates (though he celebrates them to keep Felicity happy), chocolate, and uptight chicks with an OCD of organization.
-Brighton Brown II [Dad]
-Christine Bailey - Brown [Mom]
-Barbara Brown [Sister]
-Rosemarie Brown [Sister]
Pets: Two german shepards, Trevor and Grover, that he's forced to drive every single day. Fuck his life.
Extras: Get life, stop asking about me, etc.
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